Sacred Spaces Gathering & Getaway
Terms & Agreement
1. Respect and Inclusivity:
We value diversity and inclusivity. All participants must respect the spiritual beliefs, practices, and personal boundaries of others. Discrimination, harassment, or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
2. Safe and Welcoming Environment:
We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all attendees. Any form of violence, verbal or physical, will result in immediate removal from the event.
3. Responsibility for Personal Growth:
Responsible spiritual exploration means taking ownership of your own personal growth and experiences. Our event encourages self-awareness, self-care, and responsible choices in your spiritual journey.
4. Consent and Boundaries:
Always seek explicit consent before engaging in any physical or energetic contact, healing, or spiritual practice with another participant. Respect personal boundaries, and be mindful of others' comfort levels.
5. Ethical Practice:
Any vendors or presenters offering spiritual or metaphysical services must adhere to a strict code of ethics and transparency in their work. Unethical practices will not be tolerated.
6. Substance Use:
The use of illegal substances is strictly prohibited at our event. Please respect the laws and regulations of the host venue.
7. Confidentiality:
Respect the privacy and confidentiality of others. Do not share personal information or experiences without consent.
8. No Solicitation:
Unsolicited marketing or sales activities within the event space are not permitted. Vendors may promote their products or services only within designated areas.
9. Photography and Recording:
Ask for consent before taking photographs or recording sessions or workshops. Respect the event's policy on recording and photography. By particpating in this event you consent to being photographed and recorded for marketing and promotional materials.
10. Code of Conduct Violations:- Any violations of this event policy may result in a warning, removal from the event, and/or a ban from future events, depending on the severity of the violation.
11. Reporting Concerns:- If you experience or witness any behavior that violates this event policy, please report it to event staff or security immediately. We are here to ensure your safety and comfort.
12. Event Organizers' Discretion:- The event organizers have the right to exercise discretion in enforcing this policy and to make decisions regarding participants' attendance based on the best interests of the event community.
13. Compliance with Local Laws:- All attendees must comply with local, state, and federal laws during the event. This includes legal requirements related to public health, safety, and venue rules.
14. Changes to Policy:- The event policy may be updated as needed, and attendees are responsible for reviewing and adhering to the most current version.
15. Acknowledgment and Agreement:- By attending this event, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by this event policy.
16. Refunds:- This event is not refundable.
Spiritual advisors and practitioners that are participating in this event and not legal or medical professionals unless otherwise stated. Readings and spiritual guidance are for entertainment only.
Attendees are responsible for their own health and legal decisions and should consult with a healthcare or legal professional before making any medical, dietary, or lifestyle changes based on information obtained from our services.
General admission tickets MUST be purchased PRIOR to the purchase of any *Magical Add On* experience. Ghosts, Guides, and Skies reserves the right to refuse attendance of any person who purchased a *Magical Add On* experience without a general admission ticket.
Ghosts, Guides, and Skies (and the hosts therein) shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages or harm arising from the use of our services or reliance on the information provided.
This event policy is designed to foster an environment of responsible and respectful spiritual exploration. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a safe and enriching experience for all participants.